Friday, November 15, 2013

Back to Siberia

A got offered a chance to speak at an event in Novosibirsk: the 7th Siberian Venture Fair / 14th All-Russian Venture Fair, held concurrently with TECHNOPROM 2013. They paid the airfare but that's it, so he found a cheap hostel (450 rubles per night) instead of the hotel (4000 per night) to stay in in Novosibirsk.

Straight from the airport to a welcome party, complete with a string quartet:


And the governor of the Novosibirsk Oblast (tall guy on left):

Afterwards, he walked to the hostel (near the Opera house):

The next day was full of talks by various people

Including A's session, where he both spoke and served as co-moderator (with simultaneous translation!)

Afterwards, another dinner party, then more of the same the next day, including talks by a deputy Prime Minister of Russia, the governor, and a "Presidential Plenipotentiary". 

Wrapped up with a cocktail party, then whisked everyone back to the airport for the trip home to Moscow.

Gone a total of 72 hours, and didn't get to see anyone in Novosibirsk.

A few side notes:

This was his first time flying from Domodedovo airport, which is a nice airport, but contrary to what he'd heard, no nicer than Sheremetovo's new Terminal D. 

He collected a whole bunch of business cards, so he's starting to make the right kind of connections.

There is something new in Novosibirsk:

Yep, that's a new Marriott, just on the other side of the opera house from the hostel he stayed in. Opening soon. Maybe next time…

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